The Renewable Energy Industry in CARIFORUM Countries



Building technical capacity should be treated as a regional issue. Individual national educational institutions often lack the capacity to develop the requisite courses and deliver them in a way that provides both theoretical and hands-on components. In some cases, the number of potential students is also small. Educational institution models across the region suggest that a centre of excellence for the common PV technology and installation may be beneficial. This would also promote the development of standards for the related equipment and services. This type of regional development has also attracted the attention of CCREEE and may therefore represent an opportunity for collaboration and partnership. Conversations with HEIs in some countries have indicated a high level of interest. E.g. Dominica and St. Kitts. Those countries with sustainable energy (SE) programs or courses can also be instrumental in the coordination a regional response. Based on the adopted and planned technologies in the region the following subject areas would be beneficial.

1) PV Systems and Installation 2) Wind Systems and Installation 3) SWH Assembly and Installation 4) Biomass Systems and Installation 5) Biofuel Manufacturing and Retailing 6) Sustainable Energy Development 7) Energy Management 8) Energy Auditing

9) RE and EE Technology assessment for local use 10) Business Development for Energy Entrepreneurs 11) Proposal Writing for sustainable energy 12) Project Management for SE projects

These interventions should result in RE firms being better equipped to respond to the demands of the public.

Given the interest in hydro and geothermal power there is also the need to understand and manage such implementations. This should be undertaken as part of any utility-scale project and not necessarily for MSMEs and RECs.


The Renewable Energy Industry in CARIFORUM Countries

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