The Renewable Energy Industry in CARIFORUM Countries
Many of the early movers have learnt much of what is required to build a sustainable energy industry by trial and error. However, the late starter does not need to travel this road. They can learn from others and on-board the requisite skills to see their national sustainable energy industries succeed. Interventions for lead ministries and the utility regulators may include training to provide: • Technical knowledge of future energy infrastructures. • Human resource management for a modern energy environment. • Regulation for sustainable energy utilities. • Seminars/conferences to share Caribbean experiences and progress in energy transformation. • Workshops to teach skills in support and sector management. • Project development. • Proposal writing for finance mobilization. • Stakeholder engagement. • National awareness for regionally funded plans.
These interventions should result in a better policy and regulatory environment for the development of the RE industries and a more enabled supporting group.
Given the lack of information flow from government to other supporting institutions and the general public, some intervention is required. Awareness campaigns are required to address:
1) Clear articulation of policy to private sector institutions. 2) Information seminars with RE industry actors. 3) Targeted workshops with financial institutions. 4) Consistent messaging to the general public on EE and RE. 5) Energy technology fairs for general public and students.
These interventions should result in a more engaged RE industry and a more informed public.
The Renewable Energy Industry in CARIFORUM Countries
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