The Renewable Energy Industry in CARIFORUM Countries
As demonstrated in section 4.6 on Economic Linkages of the RE Industry, there is an opportunity to advance the EE and RE agendas where strong linkages exist. Such linkages exist with the dominant economic sectors like tourism in Antigua and Barbuda, Grenada, Bahamas and Saint Lucia, and Agriculture in Haiti, Guyana and Suriname. This approach has been successful with the IDB CHENACT project which explored the EE linkages with Caribbean hotels.
A similar approach may be taken to strengthen the RE linkages in the same sector as well as other key sectors.
There needs to be deeper inter-regional cooperation through CARICOM and CCREEE. These are two key regional institutions which can facilitate and promote such engagements. This may be actioned through:
• Regional events which attract participants ranging from policymakers to practitioners. • Seminars designed to share experiences and lessons learnt.
• Workshops to build regional capacity and explore potential synergies. • Development of online tools to share resources across the region.
These interventions will result in a quicker transformation of the RE sector.
RECs in the participating countries are keen to play a role in the development of their RE industry. Those within an enabling environment are progressing and those without that environment are looking forward to experiencing its eventual manifestation. Every attempt to help create this enabling environment is effort well spent. Many country challenges are common, making the option of work together the preferred one. The role of the regional institutions in the sustainable energy space is therefore an important one. The common priorities must be identified so that appropriate solutions may be developed and shared.
The Renewable Energy Industry in CARIFORUM Countries
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