11TH European Development Fund Implementation Report 2017- 2023

Table 16: WE-Xport Expected vs Actual Outcomes

Expected Outcomes

Actual Outcomes

100% of relevant stakeholders (invited guests) attended the WE-Xport launch and BSO meeting

At least 90% of relevant stakeholders (invited guests) attend the WE-Xport launch and BSO meeting At least 90% of invited firms & BSOs attend and complete the training At least 4 of the 6 participating firms provide positive feedback on the EDD experience At least 75% will provide positive feedback on learning and implementation of skills and information acquired from the Business Coaching programme At least 90% of firms and BSOs will complete the Business Coaching programme At least 90% of firms will participate in the Angel Investing Workshop 2 articles and 1 video will be produced, along with a special project led by the firms completed to address

100% of invited firms & BSOs attended and completed the training

Only 2 firms participated in EDD; however, both firms provided positive feedback on the EDD experience

78% of participants had positive feedback learning and implemen tation of skills and information acquired from the Business Coach ing programme

100% of firms and BSOs completed the Business Coaching programme

78% of firms participated in the Angel Investing Workshop

8 podcasts episodes were completed and disseminated; 1 article written for 19 firms and 1 online promotion with Yello was completed.

they identify. WESpeak podcast series for the duration of the project

Implementation of the 11th European Development Fund (EDF) Regional Private Sector Development Programme (RPSDP)


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