11TH European Development Fund Implementation Report 2017- 2023

Table 17: Highlight of WE-Xport Participants Success

WE-Xport Firm

Some notable successes (April 2019 Evaluation)

The company’s secured a contract with Starbucks. Sales increased significantly by 50% and 25% of the increase is attributed to the information gained from WE-Xport programme Link to Ecofarm’s success story: https://www.carib-export.com/news/ecofarms-the-award-winning-carib bean-social-enterprise-that-snagged-a-starbucks-deal/ The company has increased sales regionally, due to an improved website. There is now more consistent flow of products out to core distributors/ raw material from new Caribbean-based suppliers. There was a reduction in cost by 15%, with less distribution. Link to firm’s profile: https://www.carib-export.com/success-stories/sugar-town-organics-offer s-healthy-options-to-european-markets/ The company has penetrated markets in Netherlands and Barbados, as a result of the WE-Xport programme. Link to firm’s profile: https://www.carib-export.com/success-stories/willemsberg-the-surinam ese-legacy-proving-that-embracing-change-is-key-to-longevity/ The company won 50,00 (TTD) for Shell Live Wire Competition Link to firm’s profile: https://www.carib-export.com/success-stories/caribbean-teas-hoping-to -sip-into-the-european-market/ Link to story: https://www.carib-export.com/success-stories/on-a-quest-to-create-the worlds-favourite-pepper-sauce-and-empower-the-community-the-hot mamas-belize-story/ The company’s monthly sales have increased by 7-10% because of partnering with three (3) new vendors and their updated website. Production has increased. There are also more partners retailing items locally. Link to firm’s profile: https://www.carib-export.com/success-stories/caribbean-entrepreneur builds-brand-by-upcycling/ The company’s website was redone in January and has increased sales. As a result, in early 2019, the company was selling around 200 USD per week, compared to 0 dollars in the past, with no previous website use. Link to firm’s profile: https://www.carib-export.com/success-stories/your-true-shade-the-inno vative-cosmetics-line-fusing-science-nature/ The company is now exporting to the EU market. The demand for pepper sauce is increasing (there were two requests from Denmark and one from Holland).Link to firm’s profile: https://www.carib-export.com/success-stories/a-simple-trinidadian-famil y-recipe-turns-into-a-successful-business-primed-for-entering-the-glob al-market/


Sugar Town Organics

Willemsberg N.V (“Wippy”)

Caribbean Cure

Hot Mama’s

Tambran by Tamara

Your True Shade

Habanero Peppers

Implementation of the 11th European Development Fund (EDF) Regional Private Sector Development Programme (RPSDP)


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