Expanding Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee in the EU
What Buyers Want
Expanding Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee in the EU Windward Commodities 30th June 2022
Varietals are also key. The graph below illustrates the average cupping score of winners of the Cup of Excellence against the number of times that varietal has won. This shows that certain novel varietals such as Gesha and Pacamara are important to look at in the context of any innovation. This should be done with JACRA, key market and supply chain partners, and reverse engineered with the end market in mind to optimise the outcome and ensure an even higher premium for the JBM brand.
Buyer feedback is thatnewvarietals suchasGeshaand Javanicawill differentiate JBM coffees, which is predominantly Arabica Typica, from both a taste and sustainability perspecive. Buyers have suggested a process of collaboration to reverse engineer suitable varietals based on trial sites, cupping and market feedback and positioning, to de-risk any investment.
34 | Time to Wake Up and ‘Cup’ the Coffee
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