An Education Needs Assessment of CARIFORUM Firms
The section focuses primarily on the immediate deliverable outlined in the Terms of Reference,
which is to propose at least three course outlines and to provide recommendations on Caribbean
Exportrole in bridging the gap and fostering the development of the private sector through training
and becoming the knowledge hub for firms across CARIFORUM.
3.1 Recommendations
Drawing from the overall report’s findings the following recommendations are made:
• The courses developed should reflect the skills gaps identified throughout the report. Some
courses should seek to cover cross-cutting areas notably business skills, soft skills
(communication, customer service, etc.), and e-commerce/digital skills. Consideration
must equally be given to the creation of in-depth sector specific training programmes ,
especially for newer niche areas like the coloured economy. Caribbean Export can leverage
such training to increase the participation of private sector firms in these new areas and
better align commercial efforts with the region’s aspirational trajectory which is centred
around innovation and sustainable development.
• With a mandate to increase regional exports, Caribbean Export should champion the
development of export-oriented training , which was one of the biggest skills gaps
identified. However, in addition to, or instead of, direct training programmes, the creation
of an export-ready online Knowledge Hub , which provides on-demand information to
firms that would allow them to access and penetrate traditional markets (North America
and Europe) as well as newer ones like Latin America, Africa, and Asia, would be a highly
regarded resource. This Hub could also seek to provide market intelligence and trade
facilitation insights. It is equally important that the hub provides practical information that
can be implemented by the potential exporter. In addition, and separate from the needs
assessment training, the survey results suggested that Caribbean exports could add great
value by providing support to BSOs in export promotion activities .
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