11TH European Development Fund Implementation Report 2017- 2023
(5) Everything Vincy Plus Expo – 2018 The Expo is St. Vincent and the Grenadines’ first regional trade expo, which initially focused on attracting regional buyers in 2017 but expanded to include international buyers at the 2018 version. The Expo boasted a total of one hundred and twenty-five (125) exhibitors, including regional exhibitors from the OECS, Guyana, and there was also representation from Taiwan. There were two major new components added to ‘Everything Vincy’ Plus Expo 2018 with the programme’s support, namely: the introduction of (1) invited corporate buyers and (2) limited open registration for non-Vincentian businesses. (6) Guyana Trade and Investment Exhibition The programme provided technical assistance to the Government of Guyana in the execution of the first Guyana Trade and Investment Exhibition (GUYTIE), which took place on September 19-22, 2018 in Georgetown, Guyana. The number of buyers who were present at the event was one hundred and thirteen (113) of which 60% were from the international market, including Canada and Korea. While the number of exhibitors of 56 was a little below the expected 60, the number of business meetings surpassed expectations. It was envisioned that at least one hundred and fifty (150) B2B meetings would take place, but over two hundred (200) meetings were recorded. (7) International Fashion Fair (IFF) Five regional fashion designers, supported by the programme, participated in the International Fashion Fair (IFF)-BB Incubation Project, which took place on October 25-28th, 2018 in Barbados. Caribbean Export’s main objectives for being a partner in the event were to provide an opportunity for regional designers to exhibit and showcase their work to USA based design advisors; to expose the Region’s fashion designers to the business of fashion; and to contribute to the selection of five regional burgeoning fashion designers to participate in a fashion incubator programme. The event included a Fashion Is Big Business Workshop, which was hosted by the Barbados Investment and Development Corporation (BIDC). There were also three fashion showcases (Men’s Fashion showcase, the Bridal and Evening and the Women’s showcase which took place on the 26, 27 and 28th October, respectively). There was also an awards gala to culminate the event on October 28th. The group of beneficiaries included designers and buyers, fashion influencers, makeup artists, models, and hairstylists. (8) Autumn Fair Moda The Autumn Fair- Moda is the UK’S leading marketplace for fashion. The event provides an essential hub for creativity,
Implementation of the 11th European Development Fund (EDF) Regional Private Sector Development Programme (RPSDP)
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