WE-Xport - Supporting Caribbean Women in Business
WE-Xport is focused on companies that are either growing or expanding.
EXPANDING BUSINESS 1. Has been in operation for at least 8 years 2. Business shows consistent sales growth 3. Has dedicated sta with clearly defined roles 4. Product or service is ready to expand into new markets or existing markets 5. Has successfully built a sustainable competitive advantage in their local market 6. Has a product/service that is export ready or is already exporting
GROWTH BUSINESS 1. Has been in operation for at least 2 years 2. Can demonstrate revenue/income generation, even if not consistent 3. Has successfully acquired some initial customers 4. Has a basic sta structure in place or can demonstrate how this will be put in place as the business begins to scale up 5. Maintains basic business and financial records 6. Has a product/service with export potential
ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Is your business: Registered and based in a CARIFORUM Member State? At least 51% owned by a woman/women? Managed daily and controlled by one or more women? If you’ve answered yes to these 3 questions, then we want to work with you!
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