The Renewable Energy Industry in CARIFORUM Countries




diversification have included offshore medical education and investments in niche agricultural products. The electricity utility is privately owned. The country has an installed capacity around 26.7MWas reported in their energy score card for 2018 including about 6.6 MW capacity of renewables. The Dominica Electricity Service Limited (DOMLEC) is actively involved in RE generation for the grid but not for customers within the competitive RE industry. The utility is responsible for the 6.6MW of hydropower and a small amount of wind.

The Commonwealth of Dominica is located southeast of Guadeloupe and northwest of Martinique. The island is 751 square Kilometres and had a population of around 71,625 (WB, 2018). Dominica’s economy is primarily agriculture-based and includes eco-tourism. Efforts to promote


Specifically, the energy unit has 8 persons including a project implementation unit with coordinating responsibility for all Geothermal work. One resource has the responsibility for coordinating with all other stakeholders. The energy unit is relatively new to the Ministry and must now build the capacity necessary to develop the RE industry alongside the regulator in order to achieve the national RE targets. Dominica has been actively pursuing geothermal energy to compliment the Hydropower in their RE portfolio. The lead Ministry’s relationship with the other external stakeholders is depicted in the diagram on the following page.

The Ministry of Blue and Green Economies, Agriculture and National Food Security is the lead ministry with responsibility for the energy portfolio. Along with close consultation with the Ministries responsible for Public Works, Planning, Housing and Environment, they execute the policy for the sector. There exists a national energy policy with targets and the required framework and regulations required to facilitate interconnection to the national grid and related feed-in tariffs for non-utility RE generators. The policy is currently awaiting cabinet approval.


The Renewable Energy Industry in CARIFORUM Countries

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