The Renewable Energy Industry in CARIFORUM Countries


Throughout the stakeholder landscape of the 15 CARIFORUM countries included in this study, several groups were identified. Not all groups were visibly active in all countries and they also operated at different levels where they existed. This reflected the state of the renewable energy industry in each country, whether as a result of their set policies, the lack of policies or the stage of development within the industry itself. The various roles, impacts and intensities varied amongst the 2.1 | STAKEHOLDER SELECTION Survey instruments were used to collect data from stakeholders on products, services, capacity, financial and insurance markets, exports, local environments and stakeholder relationships. Group meetings were used to verify and validate findings. different stakeholder groups. These final set of key stakeholder groups included: The methodology centered around three main tools in order to execute the mapping. These are explained below and depicted in the following figure. Desk research and experience was used to identify a few countries which were either representative of the larger population or unique countries in CARIFORUM. These were Barbados, Belize, Saint Lucia and Trinidad and Tobago. They were used as test sites for the data collection instruments and amendments made accordingly.




Figure 2.1 | Research Tools

• Lead Government Ministry (LGM) • Utilities Regulator (UR) • Financial Institutions (FI) • Funding Agencies (FA) • Regional Institutions (RI) • Private Sector Institutions (PSI) • Higher Education Institutions (HEI) • Renewable Energy Companies (REC)


Figure 2.2 | Stakeholder Network in the Renewable Energy Industry

Each group was surveyed in order to establish their role and level of participation in the RE industry and their impact on the key factors focused on in this study.

The Renewable Energy Industry in CARIFORUM Countries


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