The Renewable Energy Industry in CARIFORUM Countries



The regional approach has been spearheaded by the CARICOM Secretariat with support from the recently established Caribbean Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (CCREEE), the Organization of American States’ (OAS) Global Sustainable Energy Islands Initiative and others. The Secretariat has documented its approach in two key documents; the CARICOM Energy Policy (CEP) and the C-SERMS. Support for the regional approach has come from the CEP, the Caribbean Renewable Energy Development Program (CREDP), the Caribbean Sustainable Energy Program (CSEP), amongst other initiatives. It has also benefited from support from the OAS Global Sustainable Energy Islands Initiative which has been established to address sustainable development challenges in the Region. They have resulted in many important studies and projects, recognising the need for energy sector reform. “AFundamental transformationof theenergy sectors of the Member States of the Community through the provision of secure and sustainable supplies of energy in a manner which minimizes energy waste in all sectors, to ensure that all CARICOM citizens have access to modern, clean and reliable energy supplies at affordable and stable prices, and to facilitate the growth of internationally competitive Regional industries towards achieving sustainable development of the Community.” The CEP and C-SERMS provide the necessary orientation for the desired transformation and is now supported by the identification of energy in the regional strategic plan as a crosscutting theme. They are designed to create solutions to the common challenges in the regional energy sector such as: - The Secretariat’s approach articulated in its CEP aims for: -

The scope of the Secretariat’s approach includes assisting Member States to develop comprehensive national energy policies with action plans, clear targets and the required legislative and regulatory reforms to promote the use and development of renewable energy sources. As a result, the CEP seeks to increase energy security, diversify the energy sources through increased use of renewable energy, promote energy efficiency across sectors, encourage clean transportation, and create an environment conducive to greater investment in the energy sector. This work depends on stronger human capacity and skills at the national and region levels and greater public education and awareness to ensure energy sector development. Highenergycosts,loweconomiccompetitiveness and threats to macro-economic sustainability in most Member States. Energy poverty in some Member States. The need to lower carbon footprints and increase climate compatibility of the energy sector. Weak energy security in most Member States and the need to optimize the use of regional indigenous energy resources.

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The Renewable Energy Industry in CARIFORUM Countries


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