The Renewable Energy Industry in CARIFORUM Countries


The Finance sector needs to provide the funds required to execute all projects. This must be supported by the finance policies of government which can enable the sector and make investments in projects and programmes attractive for all sectors. The financial directorate needs to develop and implement a programme of sustainable incentives and fiscal measures to enable and support investments in more efficient infrastructure, including: 4.5.11 | FINANCE Building relationships and meeting the financing criteria of funding agencies. Empowering the domestic financial sector to participate in energy sector development. Creating systems to share information about government decisions. • • • • • • Providing incentives for energy efficiency audits and retrofits in buildings

Introducing beneficial tax systems to promote the purchase of more energy economical transportation Providing incentives for improvements of the public transport system Lowering import duties on hybrid and electric cars Creating the appropriate tax regime to encourage importation of fuel-efficient vehicles.

Developing measures to encourage the use of energy saving devices in all new and existing buildings. Providing fiscal incentives to promote the use of solar water heating in new and existing building (homes, offices, hotels, etc.)


The Renewable Energy Industry in CARIFORUM Countries

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