The Renewable Energy Industry in CARIFORUM Countries
A combination of the active policy and the existing relationships allow for a reasonable definition of the RE Industry. Where the active policy is clear, whatever it indicates, the required actors are also clear. And where active policy is unclear, the actors are unclear and by extension the definition of the RE Industry in any country. These are local considerations which are not determined by any regional policy or actors. Table 4.3 below provides a summary for each country.
All stakeholders are important in this policy model which has encouraged MSMEs and residents to implement RE systems with connections to the grid. All relationships require strengthening with a focus on FIs, HEIs and PSIs. Government policies also need to be better articulated to the PSIs. • PSIs need to assist FIs and RECs in becoming more aligned to policy. • HEIs need to be actively involved in building technical capacity. • FIs need to revisit lending policies in order to align with RE project requirements. It is unclear which stakeholders are the most important in this local RE Industry. Only the FA relationships are functional. Those stakeholder relationships which will require strengthening regardless of the policy decisions are those for the HEIs, the lead Government Ministry and the Regulator. Government policies and regulations need to be established and articulated All stakeholders are important in this policy model which has encouraged MSMEs and residents to implement RE systems with connections to the grid. Further outreach is required to the financial sector. • The Regulator and RECs relationships require strengthening. • FIs need to revisit lending policies in order to align with RE project requirements. While there is written policy, the active policy does not support inter connection and therefore impacts the state of the local RE industry. Large implementations appear to be the priority and the state-owned development bank is quite active in the residential and business sectors, resulting in little involvement from the FIs. All other stakeholders are important. All relationships except PSIs require strengthening with a focus on FIs and HEIs. • HEIs need to be actively involved in building technical capacity. • If regulations are developed for interconnection, the FIs will need to revisit lending policies in order to align with RE\project requirements.
Table 4.3 | RE Industry Definition and Needs
The Renewable Energy Industry in CARIFORUM Countries
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