Primed for Success Volume 3

some investors in Canada following a successful pitch during CaribbeanTales International Film Festival. Future plans, however, involve securing investment for her company. “We have all the parts, but in order to move to the next level we need investment in one of our IP products in order to market to the world. If you have investment in a Caribbean product, it will create something that is high quality that we can use to market to the world, it will also employ more people, and put us in a scenario where we can utilise real timelines and production pipe- lines. In essence, I want to brand the Caribbean through animation.” The regionalist at heart is passionate about seeing more collaboration among Caribbean firms operating in the animation sector. Citing that it could bring even greater opportunities to the region. Camille’s formula for success is simple yet effective. “Don’t say no to opportunities, take the job then figure it out after. I think it is also important to plan and use timelines as a guide to achieving your goals. I also give my staff the freedom to be creative, after all we are in a creative sector and I think it goes a long in way in boosting their confidence, which is translated in the work they produce.

The wife and mother of four sees animation as more than just an opportunity to make money. Camille envisions the sector as a chance to educate the upcoming generations about their culture. “We have a culture, a music, and a style that is so unique to us as a people. We need to capture this and showcase it to the world. I want animators to understand that it is about integrity, authenticity and being true to our inate Caribbean-ness.” There is no doubt that Camille has put her stamp on the Caribbean region, her next step is to take that cultural story to the world, using animation as her vehicle.

Contact: Camille Selvon Abrahams Chief Executive Officer Full Circle Animation Studio Upper Floor, Building FZ-5 Frederick Settlement, Industrial Estate, Caroni, TRINIDAD & TOBAGO Web: Email: Tel: 868-663-7126

Primed for Success / Vol. 3 / 2014-2015


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