Primed for Success Volume 3

Once this was achieved, the focus was on producing a product that would be comparable to none when it came to packaging, branding and taste. It was also through JAMPRO that Honey Bun first engaged with the Caribbean Export Development Agency. “We first engaged with Caribbean Export in 1996. We received a lot of support for packing and design, and they also took us to the US to participate in the Fancy Food show. Since then, we have also received support and funding for market assistance and business-to- business meetings. The Agency also helped us with the implementation of food safety requirements and our overall capacity building.” In 2013, Honey Bun was also selected by the Agency to participate in ANUGA, the world´s leading food fair for the retail trade and the food service, and catering market. “This was actually the second time that the Agency had invited us to showcase in ANUGA, the first time was back in 1998 and the experience was the same as then. We were given a prime opportunity to network with overseas buyers and distributors.” Michelle believes that the value of Caribbean Export goes beyond the monetary support they provide. “For us, the technical support we receive is the most valuable aspect of our relationship. We have also learned so much from the Agency, whether it was being able to now plan and conceptualize a project proposal, re- examine how we approach business or enhance our capacity for export. Caribbean Export has exposed us to a new cultural experience that we can use in every aspect of our business.” The insightful businesswoman credits Caribbean Export as having been instrumental in the growth that Honey Bun has derived over the years. “In 2002 the interest rate in Jamaica was as high as 25%, and borrowing at the rate was not feasible for our business so accessing financing from Caribbean Export was tremendous as we were able to purchase machinery that led to increased revenue and eventually success.” The biggest business wish for the mother of four is to see Honey Bun become a first class company that can be passed on to the upcoming generations. But first, she wants to continuously improve the company’s business systems so as to boost exports. “In order to export you have to set high standards, don’t be satisfied with mediocrity and make sure they meet all the international requirements.”

Primed for Success / Vol. 3 / 2014-2015


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