Outsource to the Caribbean Conference 2019
OCC 2019 at a Glance
PRE-CONFERENCE TRAINING SESSIONS An opportunity to acquire knowledge and skillsets that will help you meet your goals, in a comfortable setting where your questions are answered by expert facilitators.
CONFERENCE Attracting more than 300 delegates and 30 high-level industry experts. Participants will discuss every aspect of the outsourcing eco- system in the Caribbean, including, training institutions, government representatives, real estate brokers, telecommunications firms, BPO clients and influencers, to name a few.
SPECIALLY INVITED GUESTS Be sure to speak with our specially invited guests from Mexico, Co- lombia, Canada and the USA. OCC 2019 has sponsored the participa- tion of BPO firms who are looking for partners and opportunities to invest in the Caribbean, as well as potential BPO clients seeking a home for their business.
SITE TOURS This is your opportunity to see existing operations in Curacao and explore real estate options for your special needs!
Conference@outsource2caribbean.org | www.outsource2caribbean.org | 1-809-531-6565
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