LINK-Caribbean Magazine
In the Caribbean, early-stage and growth stage businesses play a critical role in sustainable economic and social development. They foster growth, innovation and prosperity and are flexible and quick to respond to market changes, such as evolving consumer tastes. This is an important asset in a globalized economy where consumers are ever more aware and informed, and increasingly in search of more customized goods and services. SMEs are major contributors to growth and employment within their communities, nations and the Caribbean region as a whole. CARICOM estimates that SMEs account for more than 70% of jobs in the Caribbean region. SMEs are thus pivotal for this region’s economic stability. In view of this supporting the development of these businesses encourages the development of the private sector and promotes high-growth and sustainable enterprises. One of the challenges they face within the Caribbean is the lack of access to finance from the region’s financial institutions that is appropriate for SME’s at each stage of development. To counteract this challenge the Caribbean Investment Facilitation Project was developed by the Caribbean Export Development Agency (Caribbean Export) in collaboration with InfoDev, The World Bank Group and branded as LINK-Caribbean. LINK-Caribbean formed as the Access to Finance initiative of the Entrepreneurship Program for Innovation in the Caribbean (EPIC) programme which seeks to build a supportive ecosystem for high-growth and sustainable enterprises throughout the Caribbean. The seven-year $20 million program is funded by the government of Canada and implemented by infoDev and the World Bank Group. Promoting angel investing and innovative finance LINK-Caribbean has been implemented by the Caribbean Export Development Agency over the past 2 years following its launch in September 2016. LINK-Caribbean has helped start-up businesses raise money in the Caribbean, improving access to much needed capital. LINK CARIBBEAN AcceleratingAngel Investment in the Caribbean
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