Investment Opportunities in the Caribbean - 2024


Guyimex International Inc: Strategic Investment Opportunity Guyimex International Inc, also known as “Guyana Import Export,” has been a key player in agricultural trade since its inception in 2022. With a mission to enhance food security in Guyana and the Caribbean, the company focuses on importing fresh fruits and vegetables and exporting locally processed foods, manufactured goods, and hydroponically grown vegetables. Investment Opportunity The company seeks an investment of US $13.2 million to construct a state-of-the art, 100,000-square-foot temperature controlled cold storage facility. This facility will revolutionize the storage and distribution of agricultural products, ensuring quality

and freshness throughout the supply chain. This investment will not only enhance operational efficiency but also solidify the company’s role as a reliable supplier of high-quality produce in the region. Cold Storage Facility The cold storage facility is the cornerstone of the strategic vision to address logistical challenges in agricultural trade. By investing in robust storage infrastructure, the aim is to preserve the quality of perishable goods such as fresh fruits, vegetables, and agro-processed products. This facility will enable the company to store a diverse range of perishable items under optimal conditions, ensuring a consistent supply of fresh and nutritious food to the Guyanese population and beyond. Job Creation and Economic Impact The construction and operation of the cold storage facility will significantly contribute to job creation


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