Investment Opportunities in the Caribbean - 2024


Medical United Limited, a healthcare services start-up, is seeking an investment of US$15,708,700 to launch HealthApp Solution, a global, subscription-based healthcare platform. This initiative is designed to transform how healthcare services are accessed and delivered, integrating secure, customized healthcare information systems with aligned Electronic Health Records (EHR). Project Vision The vision for HealthApp Solution is to provide a robust, interconnected ecosystem that enhances the quality of healthcare through improved accessibility, delivery, and management. The platform will ensure high levels of interoperability, adaptability, and regulatory compliance with both U.S. and international healthcare systems. Development and Funding Objectives The primary goal for the first year is to secure the necessary funding for the development and launch of HealthApp Solution. By the fourth year, the focus will shift to marketing and onboarding to achieve optimal subscriber levels in the Caribbean market. Post the fourth year, the plan is to expand the subscriber base internationally, making the platform a global healthcare solution. Key Healthcare Challenges Addressed HealthApp Solution is designed to tackle critical healthcare challenges including providing continuous accessibility to healthcare services, establishing efficient delivery channels, ensuring adherence to international healthcare standards, and streamlining management processes to reduce bureaucratic inefficiencies. Strategic Considerations for Investment The investment in HealthApp Solution is underpinned by a strategic approach that includes a thorough understanding of the need for new digital health solutions, ensuring the platform offers unique

features not found in existing systems, and maintaining cost-effectiveness by keeping digital operations simple. Sciencesoft, a globally recognized firm, has been chosen to architect the platform, ensuring high standards in the development process. Commercial Projections and ROI The commercial performance of HealthApp Solution is projected to generate substantial revenue, starting in year two. By the end of year seven, it is expected to achieve an annual gross revenue of US$77,253,078, representing an average growth rate of 277%. Investors are projected to reach an ROI of 300%, amounting to US$47,126,116 by year five. Governance and Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) The governance structure will include board representation from the financing entity to ensure a collaborative decision-making culture. Enterprise Risk Management will focus on compliance with international development protocols and data privacy laws to mitigate any potential risks. Support for UN SDG #3 Aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #3, HealthApp Solution aims to improve health and well-being for all ages. The platform will address various challenges in healthcare access and deliverability, significantly contributing to global health improvements. HealthApp Solution represents a viable and potentially profitable investment that promises to revolutionize the global healthcare landscape. Medical United Limited is confident in the platform’s ability to provide sustainable, high-quality healthcare solutions that are accessible worldwide. We invite investors to join us in realizing this vision, paving the way for a healthier future for all.



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