Investment Opportunities in the Caribbean - 2024


• Rosenbergii Hatchery:

As the global demand for seafood continues to strain marine ecosystems, Hubu AquaFarm is poised to offer a sustainable solution to this growing challenge. Based in Guyana, where shrimp scarcity is becoming an increasingly noticeable issue, Hubu is committed to reversing the decline of fish stocks by providing a reliable supply of healthy, eco-friendly seafood. Our focus is on high-quality shrimp and prawns, catering to both domestic and international markets. Sustainable Practices and Product Focus Hubu AquaFarm specializes in the cultivation of premium shrimp and prawns, starting with the popular Pacific White (Vannamei) shrimp and expanding to include Tiger Prawns. We are dedicated to organic farming practices and adhere to ethical methods, including GMO-free and ablation-free growing techniques. These practices are designed not only to ensure the health and quality of our products but also to appeal to high-end vendors seeking sustainably sourced seafood. Our goal is to establish Hubu as Guyana’s first fully-integrated, intensive aquaculture operation. This vision includes a range of facilities that support every stage of our product's lifecycle: Our hatchery at Le Des Tin is already constructed and ready for the introduction of brood-stock. Vision for Expansion

Hubu AquaFarm is not just an aquaculture company; it's a pioneer in sustainable seafood production in Guyana. With our comprehensive and forward thinking approach to aquaculture, we are set to make significant contributions to food security, environmental sustainability, and the economic development of our region. Hubu is committed to setting new standards in the industry and becoming a leading example of how aquaculture can be done responsibly and effectively. An innovative approach to sustainable feed production that will reduce our dependency on traditional feed sources and decrease our environmental footprint. • Insect Protein Manufacturing and Feed Mill: Spanning 4 acres, these greenhouses will enhance our control over farming conditions, further ensuring the quality and supply of our seafood. Plans are in place to begin construction of a new hatchery in the second quarter of 2024 to expand our breeding capabilities. Future Development Plans Looking ahead, Hubu AquaFarm plans to further expand its operations to include: • Processing Facility: A state-of-the-art facility for peeling, blast freezing, and packing shrimp to ensure freshness and quality control. Capable of producing 50 million larvae per month to support our growing operations. • Full-scale Hatchery: • Climate-Controlled Greenhouses:

• Hatchery Facilities:

• Nursery Ponds:


We have prepared 8 nursery ponds, which are set to house 350,000 post-larvae.

• Grow-out Ponds:

Construction of 10 one-acre ponds is currently underway and expected to be completed by the second quarter of 2024.


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