Investment Opportunities in the Caribbean - 2024


Our Business Model focusses on: Increased production volumes:

The global poultry market is around US$300 billion in 2022 and expected to grow to US$375 billion by 2030 at a CARG of 3.50%. The global sweet potato market is around US$53 billion in 2022 and expected to increase to $US83 billion by 2030 at a CAGR of 5.9%. Elephant market info is scarce. But its high yields make it attractive, surpassing many other crops and demand is growing rapidly. Global outlook: high demand in east Africa, South East Asia, CARICOM, Central and South America. Project KIEM lays the groundwork for an expanded agropark with a broader product range in subsequent phases. For this project we exclusively use deforested areas, former plantations that have been intended for agriculture for decades, but which are unused in the hands of private owners. There is sufficient land, thousands of hectares, along the coast of Suriname, which can be used for large-scale food production for humans and animals. Currently, 50 thousand hectares of private property have been offered to LaMoi for development. We do not want nor need to cut down forests for our purpose and in this way, we protect the existing forest. Elephant grass, as animal feed or raw material for bioplastics, also makes a major contribution to CO2 absorption. Initial selection of 3 products aims to establish a sustainable circular supply chain: poultry, sweet potato (started in March 2024) and elephant grass. • • • economically, and environmentally sustainable manner. Agroparks are also the solution for the threatened food security globally. Agroparks operate with centralized knowledge, international partnerships, unites farmers, increases volumes, use modernized and eco-friendly techniques.This interconnected sharing of resources increases resilience, reduces cost and investments for all stakeholders.

LaMoi Suriname N.V. is an initiative focused on organizing large-scale and sustainable food production chains. It is assisted in this endeavor by Wageningen Metropolitan Food Clusters (WMFC), in the Netherlands. Research conducted by WMFC has shown that Suriname has the potential to become a major food producer with opportunities for export to countries in the region and beyond. LaMoi Suriname N.V. considers it its duty to fully harness this potential while ensuring minimal negative impact on the environment, increasing prosperity and well-being for every Surinamese citizen, and achieving sustainability through the use of innovative methods and technology. Project KIEM is a large-scale pilot project to setup agroparks that addresses the food production needs. The 2017 soil research conducted by Embrapa (the renowned Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation) for Suriname's government will also guide the selection of ideal crops for each district in Suriname. The project involves collaboration with local food producers, leveraging high tech resources for large-scale production. An initial investment of US$5 million is needed. Investors can anticipate revenue growth, long-term profitability and strong ROI as the project progresses. Agroparks represent a novel approach to agriculture, aimed at producing high-quality agricultural products in an ethically, Revenue generation is diversified through the sale of a wide range of agricultural products, ensuring sustainability and profitability. By uniting farmers, KIEM AgroPark facilitates collective action to amplify production volumes, meeting market demands more effectively. The establishment of an ultramodern agro park enables streamlined perations, leveraging advanced technologies and practices to enhance efficiency and reduce costs per unit. Efficiency through modernization: Diversified Revenue streams:



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