Impact of the EU-UK Trade Agreement on Caribbean Exporters


The Impact of the EU-UK Trade andCo-operation Agreement on Caribbean Exporters

9 The tensions in the EU–UK trade relationship around the implementation of the Northern Ireland Protocol are such there is little prospect of jointly agreed ‘tech- nical’ solutions gaining traction. This was recognised in the House of Lords EU Committee March 2021 reports, which called for the UK government to ini- tiate a unilateral programme of measures to address issues of concern. 10 Official Journal of the European Union, ‘Trade and Cooperation Agreement between the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community, of the One Part and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, of the Other Part’, 31 December 2020 ( TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:22020A1231(01)&from =EN). 11 This includes citrus fruit, mango, guava, kiwi, bit- ter orange, persimmon, passionfruit, kumquat, curry leaves and cotton (bolls). 12 This includes all fresh and chilled fruit and vegetable products except bananas, pineapples, coconuts, dates and durian fruit.

13 This includes all fresh and chilled fruit and vegetable products except bananas, pineapples, coconuts, dates, durian fruit, citrus fruit, mango, guava, kiwi, bitter orange, persimmon, passionfruit, kumquat, curry leaves and cotton (bolls). 14 The Incoterms, or International Commercial Terms, are a series of pre-defined commercial terms pub- lished by the International Chamber of Commerce relating to international commercial law. They are widely used in international commercial transactions or procurement processes and their use is encouraged by trade councils, courts and international lawyers. The Incoterms rules are intended primarily to clearly communicate the tasks, costs and risks associated with the global or international transportation and delivery of goods. Incoterms inform sales contracts defining respective obligations, costs and risks involved in the delivery of goods from the seller to the buyer, but they do not themselves conclude a contract, determine the price payable, currency or credit terms, govern con- tract law or define where title to goods transfers.

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