Impact Study: UNESCO-Aschberg Programme for Artists and Cultural Professionals

3. In particular, the Parties shall encourage the relevant professional bodies in their respective territories to start negotiations no later than three years after entry into force of this Agreement in order to jointly develop and provide such recommendations on mutual recognition, among others, in the following disciplines: accounting, architecture, engineering and tourism. 4. On receipt of a recommendation referred to in the preceding paragraph, the CARIFORUM-EC Trade and Development Committee shall, within a reasonable time, review the recommendation with a view to determining whether it is consistent with this Agreement. 5. When, in conformity with the procedure set out in paragraph 2, a recommendation referred to in the same paragraph has been found to be consistent with this Agreement and there is a sufficient level of correspondence between the relevant regulations of the Parties and the Signatory CARIFORUM States, the Parties shall, with a view to implementing that recommendation, negotiate, through their competent authorities, an agreement on mutual recognition of requirements, qualifications, licences and other regulations. 6. Any such agreement shall be in conformity with the relevant provisions of the WTO Agreement and, in particular, Article VII of the GATS. 7. The CARIFORUM-EC Trade and Development Committee shall review progress made in mutual recognition every

Signatory CARIFORUM State where they are staying temporarily, and are not engaged in the supply of a service in the framework of a contract concluded between a juridical person who has no commercial presence in the EC Party or in the Signatory CARIFORUM State where the short-term visitors for business purposes are staying temporarily and a consumer in the EC Party or Signatory CARIFORUM State. 2. This entry and temporary stay into their territories, when allowed, shall be for a period of up to 90 days in any 12-month period. CHAPTER 5 Regulatory framework Section 1 Provisions of general application Article 85 Mutual recognition 1. Nothing in this Title shall prevent the EC Party and the Signatory CARIFORUM States from requiring that natural persons must possess the necessary qualifications and/ or professional experience specified in the territory where the service is supplied, for the sector of activity concerned. 2. The Parties shall encourage the relevant professional bodies in their respective territories to jointly develop and provide recommendations on mutual recognition to the CARIFORUM-EC Trade and Development Committee, for the purpose of the fulfilment, in whole or in part, by investors and service suppliers of the criteria applied by the EC Party and by the Signatory CARIFORUM States for the authorisation, licensing, operation and certification of investors and service suppliers and, in particular, in the professional services sector.

two years. Article 86 Transparency

Subject to Article 235(3) the Parties and the Signatory CARIFORUM States shall respond promptly to all requests made by the other


Culture in the CARIFORUM-EU EPA

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