European and International Market Trends in the Specialty Cocoa Industry
Ensuring high quality (strict quality control) and consistency from production to post-harvest…
Increasing productivity (planting material & GAP) and access to extension services…
Promoting diversity and branding (de-commoditization) for better prices, alongside to agro-tourism…
Develop local cocoa processing and chocolate manufacturing… Developing local cocoa processing and chocolate
Develop business friendly national cocoa policies, supported by PPPP, develop partnership with EU chocolate manufacturers… Build on the high quality research and experience in the region: International Cocoa Genebank, UWI, International Fine Cocoa Innovation Centre, CATIE,… ing business friendly national coa policies, supported by s l ing partnership with EU ch colate manufacturers… il ing on t e igh quality research and xperi nce in the region: I ternati nal Cocoa Genebank, UWI, Internat onal Fine Coc a Innovation Centre CATIE,…
International Cocoa Organization (ICCO) | April 2015
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