Caribbean Export OUTLOOK 2016 - 2017

Exporters’ Insights

whole new world for attracting thousands of international customers. Since then, through the use of popular social media platforms like Facebook and YouTube, online sales have skyrocketed, leading to a year’s worth of Sacha’s Buttercup Setting Powder being sold in a single month. “Our website is one of the most highly ranked in the business and currently, half of our export sales is through e-commerce,” Maharaj explained. Well on its way to conquering the Western Hemisphere, the forward momentum gained in CARICOM markets was abruptly halted, however, when Sacha turned its gaze southwards. Non-tariff barriers in Latin America became stumbling blocks for Maharaj as he tried to

expand the reach of the cosmetics company into that market. “CARICOM is trouble-free, as well as the US andCanada. Tackling the LatinAmerican market is fraught with difficulties, as the non- tariff barriers create headaches for exporters. You have to register everything, but the registration process is really to keep you out. You get frustrated and leave. It is very costly and time consuming. In Panama alone, we have to register every shade of lipstick and every shade of nail color, so by the time we are ready to get in, we already spent US$150,000.” It is these high costs that can make or break a business seeking to expand to overseas markets, and at a time when entrepreneurship is being extolled as the salvation of the region, Maharaj

believes governments and support organisations must look to aidmanufacturers. “These agencies can open these markets for us by going to exporting companies making quality products, and say ‘well, let me open up markets for you by paying your registration costs and all you have to do is go and sell your products.” If governments want to expand the marketing base and help eradicate some of the ingrained disadvantages we have operating in small, developing markets this needs to happen. That way, you diversify your economy, gain foreign exchange and keep persons in the country employed,” he insisted. Refusing to be disheartened by the LatinAmerica situation, Sachamade the determination to focus on spreading the cosmetic line across the US. It


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