Caribbean Export & EPA Implementation in the Caribbean Servi



Caribbean Export plays a critical role in the promotion of economic development, andmeaningful participation of the regional private sector in the global economic and trade environment. This is achieved through theplanning and implementation of a series of export development and promotion programmes that facilitates the expansion of firms regionally and internationally, while strengthening trade and investment links with key global economies. A larger part of the Agency’s mandate is encouraging exports, through the advancement of competitiveness, in order to leverage global growth for regional firms.

increase the access of CARIFORUM firms to the European market. To date, 460 firms within the services sector have participated in these export promotion and business linkage initiatives with European firms (Figure 5). Participation by females accounted for 59% of the total.

Under the 10th EDF RPSDP, Caribbean Export launched a series of export promotion platforms and facilitated the participation of regional SMEs and BSOs in trade missions and business linkages events, all of which have enhanced the regional private sector’s engagement with the Agency. In addition these initiatives strategically

Figure 5: Services Sector Firms Participating in Export Development and Promotion Programmes by Industry

BSOs - 2%

Health & Wellness - 1%

Creative Industries



Professional Services

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