Caribbean AgTech Investment Opportunities
Caribbean AgTech Investment Summit, 2021
WHYFARM WHYFARM’s School of AgriCOOLture Private Sector The WHYFARM School of AgriCOOLture is founded on the core principle that there should be a farmer in every household so that no one goes to bed hungry nor malnourished. Our AgriCoolture School embodies a unique approach to teaching utilising cultural heritage as it pertains to food and indigenous techniques in Agriculture. High emphasis is placed on using the arts such as theatre, spoken word, poetry, music, dance in our teaching methods. A lot of our content will be done via digital labs and online platforms. Practical sessions will be conducted on the farm and at agricultural facilities throughout Trinidad and Tobago to complement theoretical sessions. Videos will be recorded at the respective locations for the online audiences. We will utilize partnerships to help with content development and teaching resources. This school was developed to educate, engage and empower youth 15 to 25 years old via agricultural teachings as a lifestyle and as a culture for sustainable living. The four main labs are: Food and Heritage, Youth Engagement Agri-Entrepreneurship, Technology and Digital Agriculture. Estimated Investment Cost: US$300,000 Mode of Investment: Partnership
KENT FARMS LTD. Kent Farms Ltd. Business Model Private Sector
Kent Farms Ltd is an agriculture-based company. We were incorporated in 2005 to bring a corporate structure to the farming entity. The journey has been miraculous in that we did not have a very strong asset base at the start but we had technological aptitude. In the early years Kent Farms Ltd was involved in poultry and we employed novel technologies such as using red sand deep litter. The focus was always on cost savings and creating a business model to align good agricultural techniques with increasing revenue streams. Red sand is an inert, stable material that dried out easily to keep the birds dry but also created a media for a microbial population. This allowed for the sand to be used for more than 10 years without replacement. It also facilitated the degradation of the fecal waste by the microbial population. This reduced the potential for phosphorus leakage into the water table. It also reduced offensive odours associated with damp organic materials high in ammonia. This example demonstrates Kent Farms Ltd application of sound research to enhance the viability of the entity. Estimated Investment Cost: US$1,000,000 Mode of Investment: Angel Investment OR Equity
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