CIF 2023 - Investment Catalogue
NAME OF PROJECT: Sustainable Agriculture
Akata Farms amodel Self sustainablediversified farmaims tobe the first and largest Agri-tech sustainable eco farm in Grenada and the Caribbean. Focused on building robust production geared for strengthening food security, the implementation of technology for effective operation and employment creation and most importantly building capacity for export. The farm is designed to produce sustainably, creating revenue driven linkages with agriculture and Tourism, youth and technology and innovation. With the use of climate smart techniques, hydroponics, greenhouses, vertical systems, subsistence farming, apriprenuership, sustainable farming, Akata Farms is primed to become the future of agriculture in Grenada. Diverse in its production, the farm will produce short crops both traditional and nontraditional, long term export crops, operate an innovative ecofriendly poultry production, Its animal husbandry operation will be reared for both breeding and consumption as cows, goats, sheep, pigs and rabbits are reared with an all-natural organic feed produced by the farm. Akata Farms will also incorporate hydroponic, aquaponic and renewable energy projects to achieve the farms sustainable goals. As a sustainable farm there are four key principles to which we operate by; the first is productivity- Akata Farms structure it’s production to be revenue driven for enterprise development. Each sub-sector of its operation has multiple revenue streams. This is essential not only for the company’s growth but as a social enterprise for change. Akata Farms needs to show that agriculture has the potential to be the largest revenue earner and employment sector in Grenada. The second principal is profitability. It takes investment and money to scale a farm to meet timely market expectations and to capture opportunities. Agriculture in Grenada isn’t seen as an enterprise that records and encourages sustainable investment. This needs to change. Akata Farms is optimistic that with its model, chosen production and its growth plans profitability is realistic.
Thirdly, the farmmust focus on enhancing thequality in the lives of family, community and Country on a hold. To do this Akata Farms promises to meet and surpass expectations, ensuring our products are of quality, is affordable and consistent while healthy and safe.
It is our mission to be a job and enterprise creator which will stimulate community development and foster innovation.
Lastly Akata Farms sustainable model maintains the quality of our natural resources while we farm and feed our nation and doing so without compromising our ability for future operations.
Contact Person: Mr. Bevon Chadel Charles E:
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