For CF’s exports ( UK Imports from CF), only Eleven (11) tariff lines accounted for 1% or more of all products exported to the UK over the PoA. The most significant tariff lines being, Edible Fruits and nuts (HS Chapter 08) and Sugars and Confectionary (HS Chapter 17), representing 32.46 % and 36.44%, respectively. Beverages, spirits, and vinegar was the third most significant category, representing 6.89% of the value of all products exported. Inorganic Chemicals and Pharmaceutical products accounted for approximately 2% of all products exported over the PoA.
Table 4: Main Exports to the UK 2008 to 2020 (US$'000)
Source: ITC and Author’s calculations
4.3 Product Concentration
The product concentration index (CI) 12 estimates the degree of export or import concentration— the degree to which exports or imports are concentrated on a few products at the country level (UNCTAD Stats). An index value closer to 1 indicates a country's exports or imports are highly concentrated on a few products whereas values closer to 0 indicate less concentration.
12 See Appendix IV for a detailed definition of the variables utilized in this study.
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