2022 Annual Results Report


As the Agency looks to the future, we commend Caribbean Export Development Agency on its achievements for the implementing year 2022 and remain a dedicated partner on enhancing competitiveness and promoting innovation among small business in CARIFORUM countries.

Her Excellency Ambassador Malgorzata Wasilewska

Head of Delegation of the European Union to Barbados, the Eastern Caribbean States, the OECS, and CARICOM/CARIFORUM

The European Union remains a dedicated partner to the Caribbean Export Development Agency, working together to facilitate private sector led development and contributing to the long-term prosperity of the region. Since 2017, we have invested over €27.5 million in grants (approx. BBD 60 million) into the “Regional Private Sector Development Programme”, which has supported the implementation of the CARIFORUM - EU Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA), representing around 90% of the total budget of this important Caribbean institution. This is part of the over €50 million in grants (approx. BBD 110 million) provided by the European Union in support of Caribbean Export since the creation of the agency. Throughout the programme, our goal has been to promote joint solutions to shared challenges, with a focus on sustainable economic integration, green recovery, digital transformation, and inclusive development. With an 85% implementation rate, Caribbean Export has proven its commitment to reaching these goals; improving the lives of Caribbean people and towards the greater economic development of the region. As the Agency looks to the future, we commend Caribbean Export Development Agency on its achievements for the implementing year 2022 and remain a dedicated partner on enhancing competitiveness and promoting innovation among small business in CARIFORUM countries, and helping them access the European Union single market of over 440 million consumers.

Transforming to a Greener, Smarter, Resilient Caribbean | Annual Results Report - 2022 6

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