11TH European Development Fund Implementation Report 2017- 2023
b) Content and Campaign Development One of the key strategies to support the 11th EDF was to raise awareness for the CARIFORUM-EU EPA and support its use by the region’s private sector through the development of a range of evergreen content and various communications tactics. The Agency implemented a number of communications initiatives to support this requiring the development of a collection of communications materials.
ii. Export and Grow Public Awareness Campaign This public awareness campaign set out to increase public awareness on how the EU was working together with Caribbean Export to support export growth was developed and disseminated between February-March 2021. The adverts were run on radio in key markets including Antigua & Barbuda, Barbados, Trinidad & Tobago, Jamaica, The Bahamas, St. Vincent & the Grenadines, Guyana, Dominica, St Lucia and further supported with an online video which recorded significant traction: YouTube Video views: 34k, Facebook Video views: 36.1k Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aL-wvHejj6w i. Road to Success The Road to Success¹³ was an online campaign which repurposed longform evergreen content into bite sized graphic and video social media content to support the exporting journey of SMEs. From March – May 2020 the campaign shared a range of tools and resources for exporters driving traffic to the Agency’s communications platforms. It outlined the 'roadmap to exporting success’ highlighting topics such as research, business assessment, training, resources and finance and encouraging the use of the CARIFORUM-EU EPA. The campaign reached an engaged audience of 25, 841. The Agency’s social media audience grew by 36.6% from the previous period i.e. net audience growth 6890. iii. I’m an Exporter: How I use the EPA In 2020, Caribbean Export developed a video series using real beneficiaries to highlight how they have leveraged aspects of the CARIFORUM-EPA to support their business growth. Nine videos were created in the series. The following table outlines the videos and their views.
Implementation of the 11th European Development Fund (EDF) Regional Private Sector Development Programme (RPSDP)
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