11TH European Development Fund Implementation Report 2017- 2023

(3) Accelerating Regional Technology Companies: Techbeach Retreat Through collaboration with Tech Beach Retreat Lab, the programme established a framework aimed at bolstering regional Information and Communications Technology (ICT) firms. This framework facilitated enhanced visibility within target markets and facilitated connections with investors, mentors, and resources from prominent global technology companies. The specific objectives of the project were to connect MSMEs with investors and mentors, who together can drive innovation and entrepreneurship in the region.

As a result, firms were able to increase their customer base and generate significant growth in revenue.

A total of 30 firms participated in the programme.

Some firms surpassed US$100,000 in revenue and

increased employment.

As a result of the programme global partnerships with both the public and private sector including the OECS, Mastercard and Wipay were developed, and access to new markets was increased.

Implementation of the 11th European Development Fund (EDF) Regional Private Sector Development Programme (RPSDP)


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