11TH European Development Fund Implementation Report 2017- 2023

(1) Energy Management for SMEs Recognizing the need to build firm capacity in this area, a new module was developed under the Agency’s proprietary ProNET 5 (Productivity Network) course focused on Energy Management. The main objective of the training was to equip SMEs with the relevant skills and tools to effectively manage their energy efficiency. SMEs were exposed to a wide range of subject areas including Solutions-Energy Saving Opportunities, Energy Management Standards and Outsourcing the Energy Management Function. A key component of the training included the utilisation of the Caribbean Export’s proprietary Energy Self-Assessment Audit (ESAA) tool enabling participants to assess their energy challenges; response and benefit; data collection on properties; data entry and processing; energy management standards; energy conservation technologies; energy efficiency technologies; renewable energy technologies; and monitoring and practical use of the ESAA tool. The course was further augmented with the introduction of the ISO50001 standard training.

Over the programming period, 205 people

participated in the training from 10 CARIFORUM countries.

of participants who provided feedback confirmed that the programme met their expectations. 100% thought that the clarity of the training objectives was excellent and another 15% thought it was good. At least 69% of participants

Although only 23% stated that the training was directly related to their field of work; 85% left having a better understanding of energy management.

5 https://carib-export.com/exporters/training/export-training/

Implementation of the 11th European Development Fund (EDF) Regional Private Sector Development Programme (RPSDP)


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